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chord ratio中文是什么意思

用"chord ratio"造句"chord ratio"怎么读"chord ratio" in a sentence


  • 展弦比


  • The focuses of this paper are on flight environment simulation and high span - chord ratio uav model
  • For the first time , flight simulation related to high span - chord ratio uav based on variable windfield is executed , the facticity of windfield and its influence to flight performance curve are analyzed . 5
    首次针对大展弦比无人机,进行变化风场中飞行仿真,讨论各风场模型的真实性及其对飞行性能曲线的影响; 5
  • The results show that the drag of grid fins is little affected by width to chord ratio , the normal force of grid fins was large , and that the smaller was the ratio , the better was the characteristics of the grid fins ' s normal force in tested sizes of width to chord ratios
用"chord ratio"造句  
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